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Home > ClickOnDetroit Help Center > Community FAQ > New Michigan Parents > Where and how to find prenatal care in Michigan
Where and how to find prenatal care in Michigan
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It is important to visit a doctor during your pregnancy for prenatal careMIHealthyFamily outlines what to expect from your first doctor’s appointment.

It’s important to get an ultrasound as early as possible during your pregnancy to detect any signs of trouble. There are organizations that offer ultrasounds and other prenatal care services even if you don’t have health insurance

You can also get family support services to nurture, support, educate, and offer encouragement in your home to ensure your child grows up healthy. Search for a home visiting program near you.

Furthermore, Medicaid-eligible pregnant women and infant scan get regular prenatal/infant care at home by a registered nurse or licensed social worker through the Maternal Infant Health Program and The Nurse Family Partnership (NFP). Additionally, Healthy Families America (HFA)offers risk and maternal depression assessments. Locate a program near you. 

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