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How do I file for unemployment in Michigan?
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The fastest and preferred method is to file for unemployment insurance benefits online using the Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM) at

You must first sign in to MILogin to access or create a MiWAM account. For step by step instructions, view the MiWAM Toolkit for Claimants. You may also file by phone at 1-866-500-0017. If you are hearing impaired, TTY service is available at 1-866-366-0004.

Please visit the UIA website for the online and telephone filing schedule. Claimants are assigned a day and time to file online or by phone according to the first letter of their last name.

You will need to create a new MILogin for Citizens account before you can create or access your MiWAM account. If you have already created a MILogin account through another department, you simply need to log in and link your MiWAM account before you can access your MiWAM account.  You will need to use your personal email address for MILogin for Citizens. 

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