An employee who believes that his or her employer has violated this act may file a complaint with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity's Wage and Hour Division.
Complaints alleging non-payment of wages or fringe benefits must be filed within 12 months of the alleged violation. A complaint alleging firing or wage reduction as a result of filing a wage or fringe benefit complaint or asserting a right provided by the Payment of Wages and Fringe Benefits Act must be filed within 30 days of the discharge or date wages were reduced.
Once a claim is filed, employers are required to provide records and other relevant information. Employees may be asked to assist in the resolution of their claims by providing personal copies of fringe benefit policies, employment contracts, a personal record of hours worked, sales or customer identification if commissions are claimed and other relevant information. Employers and employees may also be asked to attend a meeting to clarify facts and negotiate a settlement of the complaint.
The Wage and Hour Division does not guarantee payment of wages and fringe benefits earned. Collection depends on the employer's financial ability to pay, business closure, bankruptcy filing, or location of money and assets. There is no charge for filing a complaint.
You may file a wage or fringe benefit complaint online at